The festival is over. I hope you all had as much fun as we did. Thanks to our many volunteers and sponsors who made the event a success. Check back here for information on future events!
SAVOR! Sample and pique your palate with a host of flavorful ethnic Slavic foods! Pelmeni, Piroshki, Borsch, Shashlyk, Beef Stroganoff, Golubtsi, Kasha, Lobio, Myedovik Torte, Baklava, Cherry Pirog, Cookies, Blini and more!
TOAST! Taste ultra-premium vodka & over 25 different hand-crafted vodka infusions (from Apricot to Zubrovka) you will never see in stores. “Nasdarovje!”
ENJOY! Enjoy traditional Slavic music, dance & entertainment for all ages (little kids too!)
SHOP! Visit with unique vendors you won’t see elsewhere.
GIVE BACK! Help us help others both locally and abroad through our many outreach activities. 100% of festival proceeds benefit St Nicholas Orthodox Church and allow us to give back.